Monday, July 2, 2012

It has been a "me" day.  My last day before returning to work after a week off.  A little sad as I have so enjoyed this time and the freedom it gives me.  Tomorrow, right away at 9am, I have my yearly evaluation meeting.  Welcome back to work, Carol.  Usually these go well for me so I am not really concerned.  However, this year I do have more to say than usual and I need courage to speak.  Easier not to speak.  Don't want to do that.  I spent some time earlier in the week preparing myself some notes (just in case my brain goes blank as I sit there LOL).

I spent a good portion of the afternoon working on the lessons involved in the entrance exam for The Magical Circle school.  I'm moving along.  As I said before, there is more involved than I realized in the beginning, however, it gets the old brain working and that is important.

My meditation today was interesting.  My guide and I spent some time with the Sun.  All I could see and think about was the 10 of Cups card.  The idea that dreams can come true.  The Sun was focused on my head and I could feel the heat, the energy.  The hope. 

Again from the DruidCraft deck, I drew three cards.  My thoughts were focused on tomorrow at work and some little things I need to follow up on relating to some decisions in my life.

1 - The Fool
2 - The Sun
3- 8 of Wands

Very interesting cards today.  The Fool again.  Got him the other day telling me to not be afraid, to take the risks.  Today, as the first card, I thought he is giving me the courage and indeed I am taking the risks.   The Sun ... well what can I say.  Love this card and had just spent some time with the Sun.  Have to be optimistic seeing the Sun appear.

The 8 of Wands also speaks to me of being excited and on my way to achieving my goal or goals.  Realizing my hard work will pay off.  Two days in a row I got the 8 of Swords.  Swords is air ... thoughts, ideas etc.  Today it shows itself as a Wand.  Wands are fire .. taking action.  Time to take some action. 

The above adds up to 27 = 9 which is the Hermit.  My renewed interest in meditation and discovering my inner self in order to help my outer self.  And listen to my guide.

I like these cards today as they do give me hope and optimism for what is ahead of me tomorrow.  I am not concerned my yearly evaluation meeting will go badly.  I am good at my job and been there for 22 years.  I need the courage to say some things I need to say.  This won't affect my position in any way.  It will affect my Self and my growth.

It has been a wonderful week off with an extra day today ...

to be continued ....

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