Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Sunday

A very productive Sunday, however, I am running out of time as the day is coming to a close.  It is very hot and humid and I have no air-conditioning in my apartment.  My two fans help but barely.  This is the type of weather when thunderstorms roll in sometimes in the early evening.  Some can be pretty scary.  But usually only last for a short time.  Last night it didn't clear up in time to see the moon rise.  Hopefully tonight it will.  Quite a sight to see.

Began the day having breakfast with my daughter and then helping her finish getting the last odds and ends out of her old apartment.  She gives the keys back this coming Friday and finally can leave this part of her life behind her.  Yay for that.  Once I got home I found myself cleaning my own apartment, exercised ... sat down to meditate and the phone rang.  Darn.  Wasn't going to answer it but it was my son and we haven't talked for a week or so.  Ended up being a 2 hour talk ... guess we had lots to catch up on.  So much for a meditation session.  

I did draw two cards from The Nigel Jackson Tarot with nothing specific in mind.  Maybe something I need to know or think about.

A flood of inner me?  This Page of Cups looks to be kind and gentle.  Could he be telling me to be emotional but find more of a balance with my intellect/knowledge.   Okay, so, these cards might be trying to tell me something about a certain someone I just met.  Well haven't met in person yet but talked to two or three times by way of email. We have important things (to me) in common, however, I need to know more.  Is the Ace of Cups telling me to be open to whatever this might be?   The Page often brings a message.  Well yeah there was a message from this certain someone sent yesterday but I did not see until today.  Do I pursue it further.  What are my reasons for doing so, or not doing so.  What are my emotions about the whole thing ... fear, taking a risk, adventures. Perhaps that is another draw. Hmmmm ....

My thoughts are with all those living in Alberta affected by the flooding rivers.  

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