Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where have I been?

It has been so long. But not forgotten! Busy times with life in general both at work and here at home. Nothing terribly exciting but rather the busyness of general day to day activities adding in a few hurdles. Mercury retro was not easy this time around. Many computer related frustrations and some friendship areas of concern. I had to give my head a shake once in awhile and remember it will pass!!

Recently a friendship issue (an over 40 year friend) reared its ugly head rather than steaming below the surface as it previously was, so before handling it, I decided to draw a card from the Morgan Greer deck. The Devil appeared. Immediately I felt I needed to be careful how I handled things and what I said. (It was going to be a reply to an email) Not be manipulated or be manipulating. Take responsibility for my part in how things got to where they are now. I have suggested a one-on-one get together to renew our friendship, to talk. Will see how things turn out.

I am in the process of reorganizing my home office workspace. Designed to give me more space to spread out. In more ways than one ... better access to my books, decks and other papers and more room to do bigger spreads. It's been fun planning and getting everything ready. Hopefully within a week all will be complete.

Despite all of life's challenges (and indeed there are many), life really is joyous. I caught a glimpse of the full moon early Thursday morning. My windows face north so I don't always get to see it unless I go outside. Woke up and saw the bright light coming in the window and there she was setting in the west. I stood there in the dark for what seemed like the longest time and just stared. What a way to begin a day. No words to describe.

Once my office is finished, it is my plan to blog once a week to start off with. A weekly spread to go along with it.

To be continued ...

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