Sunday, February 24, 2013

A good day.  Love saying those words.  Even after spending over four hours working on "work" I brought home, I did my weight routine, got on the treadmill, meditated, wrote in my journal and did few other housework type things.  Very productive.

All of that was not my original intent for today, except for the work from work. The to-do list for the weekend still needs to be completed but will have to wait for another day or even next weekend.  I quite enjoyed myself today.  

After the meditation session, I decided to pull a card using the Universal Waite deck.  This deck is always on my desk but I never use it for readings.  It is my study deck and gets forgotten about when hunting around for a deck to use.  I know it was happy to be used today.  This is the card I drew:

Nice, right??  My first thoughts -  perception/words/ideas and focusing rather than scattering.  Hanging on, but letting go.  I am not my fears.  During my meditation some ideas came to me worth looking into.  Not my usual but perhaps that is the point.  

Another picture, just because she is so pretty and makes me smile.  She is sitting on The Tarot Game.  I had to cover it up as this is her new favorite spot to sleep.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Well, it has been an unintentional hiatus.  Not only from here but only occasionally keeping up with other blogs, facebook, twitter, playing with my cards, seeing friends.  Sad but true.  The culprit = work.  I work in accounting and this is our busiest time, Jan 1 until end of April.  My work day starts at 7am, usually eat lunch as I work, finally make it home 5:30ish, only to find myself with nothing left.  Weekends I bring work home. Seems I am getting to old for this!  Work, eat, sleep ... I will wake up and it will be May 1st.  Spring will be here.  My birthday.  My son's wedding celebration is May 26th. Will need those weeks in May to find something to wear.  And to prepare myself to say something ... oh my gosh .. anxiety attack calling.  

Despite work taking over my life, I have been taking the time to make sure I laugh everyday, take some minutes and just breathe. Stop and look out the window, up at the sky.  Smile.  The simple things I misplaced for a few months.  It is coming back slowly but surely.

Today, the Vanessa Tarot (Lynyrd Narciso) was sitting on my desk yelling at me to pick it up.  So I did.

Hmm ... Five Coins is so obviously where I've been (in fear, in hiding).  I did grow, however, as a result.  Always a good thing.

Two Wands is me figuring this all out, discovery of new parts of my Self, feeling better and continuing on.  Courage and perspective.

They add up to seven = Chariot.  I am better prepared and working on my will-power. I have great strength within and it has served me well in my life.  I must not forget it is there.

I am grateful for my family, my friends, my on-line friends who have helped me through a difficult time.  It means everything to me.

((((hugs)))) to all ♥♥

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Been about a month since I've written anything or even looked at a tarot deck.  Sad but true.  Some good news, after 20 days of waiting, my doctor gave me the all clear.  Left the message on my phone, twice, just to be sure I understood.  Big smiles.  However, since Dec 28, it has been non stop chaos within my little circle of loved ones.  It was about two weeks ago, I realized I had lost my ability to find joy in the simple things in life, I realized I had lost my Self somewhere.  Very scary realization. It has been a struggle finding her again.  Outwardly I've stayed strong and supportive for those needing me lately.  Inwardly and in private, well, not so much.  

I am determined to get back on track.  Rediscover my joy.  It is my goal to laugh at least once everyday.  To take a moment every day to see the beauty and joy around me in the simplest of things.  Get back to what I am passionate about. 

Another day could not go by without having a tarot deck in my hands. The drought ends now.  I got out the Hezicos tarot deck (Mary Griffin) and pulled two cards with no specific question in mind, only a general message or direction.

Seeing these cards I realized I do have a support system.  I tend to be the one doing all the giving and I must not be afraid to ask for help, to learn to receive.  The constant flood of emotion over this past month has me paralyzed.  I must find the motion in my emotions.  Yeah, I like that.

The two numbers add up to 16 (Tower) no doubt indicating all the disruptive events and how out of the blue they were/are.  And there is no doubt it has been a time, and still is, of reassessing (no choice really).  Finding my way back to my joy.

Life goes on, the days go by ... I don't want to miss them.