Thursday, November 1, 2012

So, I pulled the Six of Bowls (The Medicine Woman Tarot) again today. What!! Three days in a row.  Definitely wants me to get my attention.

I have given a lot of thought to the words I wrote yesterday.  The book suggests putting the whole period of time in question or the relationship into a powerful symbol of some kind.  A song, a poem, a dance, a painting or something I do well.  My life will become my art and my art will become my life.  A great idea and one I plan to follow through on.

The Six of Bowls ... well, it is November now.  My dad's birthday is Nov 11 and on Nov 15 it will be five years he's gone.  November is my dad's month.  I checked my numerology book and find the Six of Bowls is ruled by the 2nd decanate of Scorpio, being Neptune/Pisces.  My dad of course was a Scorpio and he had Pisces rising.  This card is so my dad.  And how fitting this being an appreciate days gone by sort of card.  My dad was the sweetest, kindest, most gentle person ever.  Very quiet but oh my gosh, what inner strength he had.  Amazed me and still does.  Perhaps this card is telling me to meditate on all the good he was and still is and absorb his strength. 

to be continued ....

1 comment:

  1. I sure miss my dad too. They leave a real hole when gone.
    Hugs, Sharyn
