Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween.  Wishing I had the Halloween Tarot deck.  It has been on my list to buy but never got around to it.  Think about it at this time of the year and then forget ... until Halloween rolls around again.  

Been a crazy few weather days.  My thoughts go out to all those in the path of Sandy.  We got off pretty easy where I live experiencing very high winds but not much rain.  Although saying that it seems like it has been lightly raining for over a week with more days to come.  Where is the sun anyway.

Yesterday morning I took some time before going to work to pull a card from The Medicine Woman deck (Carol Bridget) and got the Six of Bowls.  When I got home last night, I was very tired and ended up talking on the phone with my son for 45 minutes which made me late eating ... and I never did sit down to write my thoughts down.

When I got home today I decided to put the Six of Bowls back in the deck and just start over.  It was my intention to meditate first then draw a card.  However, I've had a migraine all day and was extremely busy at work and the meditation didn't go as planned.  Just wasn't able to get anywhere.  I thought it might help my head but that didn't work.  Oh well.  So I picked up the deck, shuffled and out came the Six of Bowls.  

It seems to me he is very deep in thought, emotional thought.  Sorting through these thoughts.  Probably a relationship or more than one.

A quote from the guidebook "A kindly goodbye to once was cleanses the cup to be filled once again."  My theme of late has been learning to let go and particularly of a long term friendship.  A deep loss and one I've had difficulty coming to terms with or even understanding.  I've made great strides and pulling this card and reading the words from the book really helped me realize I have been going about it the right way.

It is true nothing is truly lost.  It all remains in our memories and hearts and the lessons learned live on.  It is important as well to remember the moments, the joys as well as the sadness and honor them.  I agree.

"Sow good services, sweet remembrances will grow from them" - Madam de Stael


  1. Carol if you drop me a line at katiekateatgmaildotcom I will tell you what I take for migraine that actually works about 95% of the time.

  2. I've had that happen. I shuffle 3 times, fan the cards and pull randomly, and had the same card come up again the next day.

    Even though you've taken time away from your emotional struggle I guess the deck recognized you'll have to come back to the thought process sooner or later.
    all the best, Sharyn
    (Halloween Tarot is a cute hoot, but she renamed the suits so you have to first think about what the heck suit you are looking at before you can think about what the card might be saying. Save your money..)

    1. Thanks, Sharyn, for your opinion on the Halloween Tarot. I don't think I will buy it. No doubt it would sit in the drawer without being used. I am sure there is another deck more suited to me.
