Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Feel good today.  Yeah.  Work was good. We had our monthly team meeting and found out there are two prospects to be interviewed for the vacant job. This is good news for me as the sooner the better.  It honestly is a bit much trying to keep up with two jobs.  

It was raining and dark when I left for work this morning, however, by mid-morning the sun was shining and it was very warm.  Now that makes me smile.  

I had an appointment today (had to leave work for an hour) ... on my list of things I need to do in order to move forward.  Afterwards I felt so great because 1.  I did it, and 2. it worked out better than anticipated.  A problem solved.  And oh yeah, it would have stayed unsolved had I not pushed myself.  A pat on the back for Carol today.  Cross one off the list.  And even better, it will have a long term affect on my life.

On to a new tarot deck today.  Again, one never used.  Tarot of a Moon Garden by Karen Marie Sweikhardt.  I've had it for years and honestly don't remember why I bought it.  Looking at it earlier, I find it very detailed and those details a little small for my old eyes.  Will give it a go.

For today, I drew:

Makes sense.  Nines can deal with problems and compromises ... and I did deal with a problem today.  That could be me peaking out from the tree branches.  A little insecure.  Hurts and losses in the past and not quite sure how to let go and move forward from certain issues.  Want to but ...  I am waking up and beginning to see things.  I am coming out from behind that tree little by little.

I am grateful to have enjoyed a lovely lunch with my daughter today.  I am grateful my son phoned me for a chat not long after I got home from work.  Two special joys in my life I cherish.

on to tomorrow ...

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