Monday, December 17, 2012


I should be exercising but instead here I sit.  A very busy day at work both physically and mentally.  Silly me did not take a break for lunch.  Ate on the go.  Never a good idea.  Am very tired.  Nothing left.  

It is also very mild outside, however, the heat in my apartment (I have no control) is more than needed.  The window is open or I would be falling asleep.  

My draw today from the Sun and Moon tarot deck (Vanessa Decort):

Two of Cups .. love written at the top.  A very peaceful card.  I can feel the energy between these two people.  It feels very spiritual to me.   

It does have some significance to me, however, it is personal and in the midst ... so will not speak of it.

I did have some help sitting at at my desk.  My sweet Miss Lexie wanted to see what I was up to and planted herself right beside me.  Had to work around her to get the picture of the two of cups.  She makes me smile.


  1. What a beautiful little girl!
    Be well friend, Sharyn

  2. Cats are wonderful creatures. Dogs too! Love them.

  3. Miss Lexie is a most elegant companion :) Hope you're taking good care of yourself...
