Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Remaining Positive

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with my family yesterday.  I am the reigning Scrabble champ. Try and beat me I say!!  Oh my gosh, the food was better than good.  My son does it all so effortlessly and doesn't want help.  I wouldn't even know where to begin to prepare food in the way he does and especially ending the meal with Creme Brulee for four.  He is amazing and I am so proud of him.

Today wasn't the best day as all the rich, lovely food I rarely eat yesterday triggered a migraine (it was worth it) so I decided to leave work two hours early. A bit of extra time for me to exercise, meditate and relax.  

Despite the little "devil" on my right shoulder telling me it would be okay not to exercise or meditate, I decided to listen to the "angel" on my left shoulder.  I did exercise and I did get a short meditation in and feel much better for doing both.  My goal these days is maintaining my "joy" and remaining positive when I just don't feel I can.  

Feeling I needed a light deck to play with, I dug out the Vanessa Tarot by Lynyrd Narciso. The card I drew: 

Hmm, not so light.  Ten of Swords is not always the most positive card.  However, it really does reflect my goals, my life at this point.  She comes across to me as a strong woman, ready for what faces her.  No matter the circumstance, my attitude, my reaction and my happiness is up to me.  She isn't down and out and for me the red cape indicates this.  The blue perhaps indicates an emotional adjustment.  All these things are true for me.  10's can be the end of something on the way to a new beginning.  A transition maybe because it takes time and hard work.

I am proud of myself for exercising when I did not want to, wasn't going to.
I am proud of myself for meditating if only for a short while.

Jumping for joy and happy to be home ...

1 comment:

  1. Wow Carol what an energetic picture! I admire your positive thinking. Even the ten of swords couldn't get you down. It is amazing how a shift in thoughts can alter the way you feel. :)
